Second Notices Mailed: Second notice water bills were mailed yesterday, October 15th.

Weather in Bowling Green

Tree and Shrub Ordinance Reminder

This is a reminder for property owners within the City limits about the Ordinance regarding trees and shrubs. Trees hanging over roadways need to be at least 13 feet off the roadway; this is to ensure that over-sized vehicles, as well as emergency vehicles, have plenty of clearance while traveling down our roadways. Trees over sidewalks are required to be at least 8 feet above the sidewalk, this is to ensure a safe walking path for our citizens of Bowling Green and to prevent injuries.  Shrubs have a maximum height of 3 feet if they are within 20 feet of a roadway, this provides a clear view path for oncoming traffic.

All Ordinances are in place to ensure the safety of our citizens as well as visitors to our town, Code Enforcement will be out checking heights and sending out letters to homeowners to correct any issues. If you have any questions regarding this Ordinance, please feel free to contact the Building and Code department. He will be happy to assist you by answering any questions or putting you in contact with someone who can assist you with bringing your property into compliance.

If you’d like to read the Ordinance it is available at the following link: