Bowling Green City Administrator
16 W. Church St.
Bowling Green, MO 63334
Phone: (573) 324-5451
Email: [email protected]

The Bowling Green Municipal Airport is located two miles northwest of the city. Airside facilities include a single runway and taxiway system. Runway 13/31 is 3,204 feet long by 50 feet wide. The taxiway consists of a single 25-foot connecting taxiway.
Landside facilities include a 4,000-plus sf FBO/community hanger, 3-unit T-hanger and 4-unit T-hanger.
Airport Reference Code
BGMA is a general aviation airport. It maintains a B-I Reference Code. This Airport Reference Code accommodates aircraft with the following characteristics:
- Aircraft approach speeds from 91 knots upt, but not including 121 knots.
- Aircraft wing span from 49 feet up to, but not including, 79 feet.
Future Growth and Development
Growth and development at the airport is guided by the City's Airport Master Plan. It calls for a new and redirected runway, new taxiway, apron and new landside facilities.
In addition to having public utilities and easy roadway access, BGMA is capable of accommodating light industrial/manufacturing operations on site. For more information on the economic development potential at the airport contact the Bowling Green City Hall at (573) 324-5451.